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遊休荒廃地をブドウ畑によみがえらせた吉田 満さん。かつて、長野県上田市は養蚕業が盛んで、陣場台地には桑畑が広がっていました。その後は薬用人参を栽培するも連作障害や、農家の高齢化などが原因で、ほとんどの畑が遊休荒廃地に。しかし、陣場台地の緩やかな傾斜と気候が、ブドウ栽培に適していることから、ワイン用のブドウ畑として復活。陣場台地が環境保全や生態系の学習の場になって欲しいと語る吉田さんの思い描く未来とは?

Mr. Mitsuru Yoshida has revived a fallow and desolate plateau into a vibrant vineyard. In the past, Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture had a thriving silk and silkworm industry, with mulberry fields spread out across the Jinba Plateau. Later, medicinal ginseng was cultivated, but due to continuous problems with harvests and the aging of farmers, most of the fields became fallow and the plateau turned into a wasteland. However, the gentle slope and climate of the Jinba Plateau are suitable for growing grapes, so the area has been revived as a wine vineyard. Mr. Yoshida says that he wants the Jinba Plateau to become a place for learning about environmental conservation and ecosystems. What kind of future does he envision?

(2023年12月16日放送 『しあわせのたね。』より)
しあわせのたね。HP https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/shiawasenotane/#/
毎週土曜日 午前9時55分放送 ※一部地域を除く

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